
Getting the best from Digi-SSL™ Service

Unlike any other CA system in the market, Digi-SSL™ is specifically designed to easily migrate any other existing SSL Management system you currently use. By design Digi-CA™, as a entirely self dependent system, allows easy migration of set of data into the system in a seamless manner. The transfer is accomplished physically by the Digi-CAST™ Team.

For security reasons, there is no .csv flat file export capability within Digi-SSL™ Service system. This is to protect the security of the data and to avoid service interruption or corruption as a result of data corruption. Therefore, if you are an existing Digi-SSL™ Service user and are upgrading or updating, much of this must be conducted by the Digi-CAST™ Team.


Using the "Search Results Digi-SSL™" component of the system, the Digi-CAST™ Team will reassign Administrators and Reminders for each of your Digi-SSL™ Certificates. This reassignment is carried out on explicit instructions from the Customer/Administrator and is typically conducted from a list of all the hostnames in the system.

For further assistance Digi-SSL™ Service Support Team