Owner's & Users Manual

Digi-CA™ Owners & Users Manual (on line)
Digi-CA™ the complete Certificate Authority [CA] system
Digi-CA™ Server
Digi-CA™ the complete Certificate Authority [CA] system

The Digi-CA™ Service is the Managed CA and as explained in 2.6.2, it is the service that is provided online using the Application Service Provider [ASP] or Software-as-a-Service [SaaS] delivery model. There is no hardware or software requirement at the customer site.

Digi-CA™ the complete Certificate Authority [CA] system
Digi-Code™ Certificates

Digi-Codes™ are Code Signing certificates and are used for securing and authenticating:

Digi-Sign Digital Certificates

Digi-Sign offers three types of digital certificate and both types of CA. With exception of Digi-Code™, these are offered in three Classes depending on your requirements.

Types of Certificate

The three types of digital certificate are:

‘Fast Track’ Solution Advisor

Using the Solution Advisor Table will help you select the best solution your environment or use the interactive version available at www.digi-sign.com/advisor

Digi-CA™ the complete Certificate Authority [CA] system
Total Trust Management™

Total Trust Management™ [TTM™] is a unique offering from Digi-Sign (although some try to copy it) and it means that you Trust us to Totally Manage the Digi-CA™ for you. TTM™ is much more than a dedicated telephone number for support; it’s a service where Digi-Sign personnel effectively work for you.

Service Level Agreement [SLA]

The Service Level Agreement [SLA] is critical to the continued success of the Digi-CA™ delivery model and central to this SLA is the Incident Management System [IMS]. The IMS is an automated system that escalates issues, without human intervention, and automatically notifies the user at each stage.

The IMS incorporates system and personnel reaction times with issue escalation times and then monitors each and every support issue to the successful completion as confirmed by the customer.

Digi-Sign Service Approach

The service approach is based on three principles:

Digi-CAST™ Methodology

Digi-CAST™ is factual, high-quality, digital certificate and CA advice from experienced personnel that can show you how your CA should be implemented, integrated and maintained. The C-A-S-T? method was pioneered by Digi-Sign in 2004 after many years of developing and deploying CAs around the world.