Owner's & Users Manual

Digi-CA™ Owners & Users Manual (on line)
The ‘Fast Track’ Approach

‘Fast Track’ is exactly as it sounds, you want everything done as quickly as possible and you want the professionals to do it for you. This is a total ‘turn key’ approach where we take your instructions, document them and deliver the entire solution back to you in the shortest possible time. Once the Digi-CA™ is in ‘production status’, you nominate personnel within your organisation to take responsibility for it and we support them in the background.

Intended Audience

The Audience of this Guide should have a basic understanding of computers, how to use office software, send and receive email and how to browse the internet.

Certificate Authority Installation

Sample Certificate Authority Project

PDF Once the Certificate Policy Requirements are documented and available, the project process can begin. The Digi-CA™ project can be sub-divided into five separate undertakings:

                        • Software Configuration

Certificate Authority Requirements

Certificate Authority Requirements

PDF The Digi-CA™ Server Xp is usually installed on two servers and if the correct internet connection and a VPN can be provided to the servers, it is possible that the installation of the software can be carried out virtually.

Certificate Authority Specification

PDF These are the minimum equipment specification for the correct operation of the single server Digi-CA™ Server Xs:

  • Server: Dell®/Compaq (FreeBSD 5.4+ compatible)
  • Processor: Intel® Pentium® III family
  • Memory: 512MB RAM
  • Hard Drive: 15 GB SCSI/ATA

Certificate Authority Requirements

Managed Certificate Authority Requirement