Server Setup

Certificate Authority Requirements

PDF The Digi-CA™ Server, by nature of the fact that it is installed software (usually at the customer site), is a more involved process with hardware, software, documentation and installation requirements. The basic requirements for every Digi-CA™ Server installation are the same and in most instances, Digi-CAST2™ install the Digi-CA™ Server system on your server(s). As more sophisticated environments arise for Digi-CA™ Server Xp or Digi-CA™ Server Xg, the requirements increase accordingly.

The following sections describe the basic requirements for installing the three classes of Digi-CA™ Server and the three main components are detailed in each case:

                    • Physical Environment
                    • Equipment Specification
                    • Installation Requirements

Digi-CA™ Server Xs Requirements

    The Digi-CA™ Server Xs is usually installed on a single server and if the correct internet connection and secure Virtual Private Network [VPN] can be provided to the server, it is possible that the installation of the software can be carried out virtually.

    The benefit of this is that it reduces the cost of travel and accommodation. When examining each of the following three sub sections you can consult with the Digi-CAST2™ Team at any time to check configurations and access for you.

Xs Physical Environment

    These are the minimum suitable conditions for the correct operation of the single server Digi-CA™ Server Xs:

                • Dry area with good ventilation or air-conditioning if possible

                • Secure room or computer cabinet with restricted, controlled and logged access

                • Broadband or leased line internet access

                • Power supply with optional backup power supply

                • Availability of IT Professional (MCSE or higher/other on a part-time basis, 4-hour call-in contract will suffice) with good working knowledge of computers, networking and general knowledge of TCP/IP protocols