PKI Introduction

Digi-CA™ the complete Certificate Authority [CA] system

Digi-CA™ is the complete certificate Authority [CA] system for organisations that would like to have their own CA. The CA issues the digital certificates that are used for two factor authentication, electronic signatures, device-to-device authentication, National ID Cards, Machine Readable Travel Documents [MRTD], smart cards and ID cards and many other network, online, web and physical security environments.

Digi-CA™ replaces older Legacy PKI technology and CA systems using the latest in CA technology. With Digi-CA™, all of the complexities and onerous technical overhead that were required by Legacy CAs have been simplified to a ‘user-friendly’ and usable level. The Digi-CA™ can even be ‘dropped’ on top of these Legacy CA environments and seamlessly migrate the older system’s users into this more modern and flexible replacement.

Combining the consulting and professional services offered in the Digi-CAST™ methodology with Digi-CA™ can meet all national and international standards such as: Sarbanes Oxley, SB 1386, ISO 27001, FFIEC, HIPAA, ACSI 33, 1999/93/EC, ANSI, CWA, ETSI, EAL, FIPS, RFC, ICAO, MRTD, CONOPS, ALGO, Gramm-Leach Bliley and many other compliance and certification requirements.

Small and medium sized businesses, large corporate, government, local government, Trust Centre’s, statutory bodies, security companies or any enterprise that wants to use digital certificates, should carefully examine the true benefits of using this radical technology.

The Digi-CA™ system can issue, revoke, suspend and re-sign x.509v3 certificates. The end user information and certificate request is entered through the web-based Registration Authority [RA] called the RA Master Console [RAMC]. It is the Digi-CA™ RAMC that is used to control all day-to-day administrative functions. Time stamping, Online certificate Status Protocol [OCSP], customised certificate Revokation Lists [CRLs] and many other options can be enabled in Digi-CA™ on request.

The Digi-CA™ suite of CA systems offers the following benefits:

Multiple customised Root certificates, Intermediate Root certificates and EU Qualified certificates can also be catered for. Every aspect of the digital certificate including certificate fields can all be customised to meet any x.509 standard requirement.

Digi-CA™ delivers a simple to use and operate CA that meets your precise requirements. Highly customised and complex CA environments and even a certified Trust Centre that complies with international standards can be ‘built-to-order’. And you can then decide whether to have all the required functionalities delivered as a service from outside the organisation using the Digi-CA™ Service or as installed software, using Digi-CA™ Server.

No matter how it’s delivered, Digi-CA™ is the most flexible, efficient and cost effective CA system for you and can be delivered exactly to your requirements. You can choose to have Digi-Sign do everything for you and ‘Fast Track’ your requirements, or you can be proactively involved at whatever level you like.